

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Reaching for the stars !

We have a target, first 200dma and then Oct. highs. We have a support around Tuesday's lows. Today's action showed buyers are in control and up auction continues for now.

Attitudes are more important than facts !

According to recognized aeronautical tests, the Bumble Bee cannot fly because of the shape and weight of his body in relation to his total wing area. The Bumble Bee doesn't know this, so he goes ahead and flies anyway.

In trading your attitudes and beliefs are very important. Below are some of my trading believes to help you start thinking about your attitudes and believes.

I believe that the market is discounted mechanism, meaning the information is already priced into the market.
I believe that patterns repeat themselves because crowds behave in the same way, not individuals, but crowds do.
I believe the markets are ether consolidating or trending.
I believe the future is unknown.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The Plan.

I like to plan my trades before I enter them and write the plans on paper with a pen [writing the plans on excel spread sheets on my computer do not evoke the same feelings in me]; this allows me to have the plan in front of me and I can 'follow along' as the trade unfolds. If I get anxious or if I walk out of the game room and come back in and need to refresh my mind, the plan is there in front me: I simply look at the plan and go back to executing the original plan. Plan, if you stick with it, take many of the emotions out of your trading.  

There is nothing more bullish to a market than sold out bulls. There is nothing more bearish than covered bears.

30min.view , potential head & shoulders setup that would be confirmed by breaking this week's lows

daily view , we can trade above last week's highs and the 200dma

VIX is up 42% since Friday's close.

That kind of move tends more often than not to produce a bounce in the market.

Watching to see if the market can stabilize itself and then begin to form a base support suggesting that a higher low is being formed.