

Thursday 21 August 2014

hi there my Russian friend, Aristotle told us how

"Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it. People come to be builders, for instance, by building, and harp players by playing the harp. In the same way, by doing just acts we come to be just. By doing self-controlled acts, we come to be self-controlled, and by doing brave acts we become brave."

by managing trading business and trading we become traders ~

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Slow down and win.

                              from the IPO watch list

Saturday 2 August 2014

What do you think?

"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."
 Max Planck, Nobel Prize in Physics

Tuesday 29 July 2014

from a friend

It doesn't seem like it would be true. It doesn't seem like slowing down would get more done. But it does.
Every day I do it, I get more done. Every day I experiment with slowing down I understand the tortoise and the hare.
If I'm doing the right thing, I can do it as slowly as I want and my life will get better. If I'm doing the wrong thing (caused by a stressed, rush-rush contaminated decision-making process) it doesn't matter how fast I go I'm going to be even more STRESSED when I'm finished because it wasn't the wisest thing for me to be giving my time to. And I know it, and it stresses me out to know it.
If I am on the wrong road it doesn't matter how good I get at speeding down the road. It's the wrong road.
I need to remind myself of this: Slow down and win. Take your sweet, gentle time and have this one conversation ahead of me be relaxed and warm so that the relationship I have becomes relaxed and warm. Slow down. Even slower than that.
There you go.

Friday 20 June 2014

What is the real question ?

Quadruple Witching

quadruple-witching expiration, meaning equity options, stock index futures, stock index options, and single stock futures expire -- which could create some additional volatility in the markets

Friday 13 June 2014

" There is no time for ease and comfort, it is time to dare and endure."

We have a pullback in the overall market, but there are not many good setups yet and we just need to wait a bit more. Keep open positions on the leash and if this is a new leg up we'll have lots of time to jump on board.

For IPO players:  In an uptrend at support, and possible an inside day today for TRUE.

Today is full moon and Friday the 13th, next time for the full moon and Friday the 13th will be on August 13th, 2049.
remembering my friend Bolto saying:  "It's a full moon, jebote!"

Friday 6 June 2014

About "A" Good Trading System

A good trading system delivers greater profits than losses over a period of time, but even the most carefully designed system doesn’t guarantee success in every trade. No system can assure you of never having a losing trade or even a series of losing trades.
A system is a plan, but as Helmuth von Moltke, a 19th-century German field-marshal, put it: “No plan survives contact with the enemy.” The US boxer Mike Tyson, quoted by The Economist, put it more bluntly: “Everyone has a plan ’til they get punched in the mouth.” This is why risk control must be an essential part of every trading system.
The inability to manage loses is one of the worst pitfalls in trading. Beginners freeze like deer in the headlights while a deepening loss wipes out profits of many good trades. It’s a general human tendency to take profits quickly but wait for losing trades to come back to even. By the time the despairing loser gives up hope and closes his trade with a terrible loss, his account is badly and sometimes irreparably damaged.
To be a successful trader, you need to learn risk management rules and always apply them.
If trading is a high-wire act, then safety demands stringing a net underneath that wire. If we slip, the net will save us from smashing into the floor. The only thing better than a safety net is two safety nets: if one doesn’t catch us as we fall, the other will.
Markets can snuff out an account with a single horrible loss that effectively takes a person out of the game, like a shark bite. Markets can also kill with a series of bites, none of them lethal but combined they strip an account to the bone, like a pack of piranhas. 
The two pillars of money management are the 2% and 6% Rules. The 2% Rule will save your account from shark bites and the 6% Rule from piranhas. Prescribed by Dr. Elder.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

don't put your hand to a plow and look at the things behind

You’ve got to be able to generate within yourself the mind set that you must always be going forward.

"Don't fight forces, use them."

                                      something new for a watch list

Monday 2 June 2014

while you're trading, or waiting today, and asking yourselves... How does one make big money in this market ? have a glass of pineapple juice

For good nutrition pineapple juice is a good choice.

Pineapples juice are low in calories and high in nutritional value. A one cup serving contains only about 80 calories, but provides all of the vitamin C that a person needs every day, plus some. 

It is also a significant source of potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, niacin and zinc. Last but not least, it contains a unique dietary enzyme called bromelain.

Monday 26 May 2014

some of the possible scenarios for coming week

A. buyers come in, confidence increases, we have a summer rally ( summers used to be dull, not anymore ? )
B. last week was a sucker's play and we go downhill in a "fast and furious" way

                               weekly, inside bar  (with a close set up for a follow through )