

Friday 30 November 2012

Why genius truly is more a function of perspiration than inspiration.

 Benjamin Bloom, Dean Keith Simonton, and K. Anders Ericsson have studied elite performers, and their research points to a few commonalities across fields. The elite performer is in his or her niche and so has a strong emotional  bond and commitment to self-development. The elite performers are also ambitious: they really care about becoming as good as they can be. Finally, they put large amounts of time into developing themselves. Their practise and work provides them with a sense of “flow”-it doesn’t feel like work to them.
the learning of the elite performer is qualitatively different from normal learning. The normal learner learns to do common things well. But the elite performer learns to do uncommon things. The immersion in learning generates an element of creativity. It’s why genius truly is more a function of perspiration than inspiration.

YUM-in these markets you have to be nimble and decisive- Stay Flexible.

pre market news: consumer shares and YUM shares are lower in today's pre-bell session. YUM reconfirmed its full year 2012 EPS growth forecast of at least 13%, or $3.24 per share, excluding special items. The analyst consensus is $3.28 per share, according to Capital IQ.

Thursday 29 November 2012

The Trend Rider: yum

The Trend Rider: yum: I have come to respect “gaps” in my nearly twenty years of watching markets; when they happen (especially in stocks) they are usually...

YUM story


UNG story

there is a story: A man have a 100,000 account. He divided the account in four equal parts (25,000). He bought  UNG 1100 shares*22.00=24,200 and had fail-safe stop at 21.60. for a total risk of 440.00 or 1.76% on a part OR  risk of  0.44% of total equity. Next.

Saturday 24 November 2012


It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
Walt Disney

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Tuesday 20 November 2012

actionable; follow up on UNG

                               resistance becomes support .....

The information contained herein is for educational purposes only and is not, and should not be construed as an offer to hold, sell or an offer to buy any securities.

Monday 12 November 2012

when trading...

"Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."
~ Nido Qubein

Wednesday 7 November 2012

DJIA is flirting with 13000 area

first time since April, confirming the downward line of least resistance

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Why do I coach ?

In 2005. I had an opportunity to pass some of my knowledge along to other traders. It turned out to be the perfect combination, trading and being able to teach others. I was able to give back, similar to the mentors and coaches that had helped me in my trading career. One thing I enjoy doing is helping others and another one is trading. Jumping into those tracks set me on the path to finding something that gives every fiber of my being a purpose. Trading is not glamorous, it is boring, it is lonely, it is not easy, but there is nothing else I would rather be doing. If at any point you have any questions or do not understand something or question what I wrote please feel free to send me an email:

Who is stopping you now?

"The question isn't who is going to let me;
it's who is going to stop me."
~ Ayn Rand

recommended reading: Atlas Shrugged 

Monday 5 November 2012

follow up on YUM

The Trend Rider: actionable: yum now

The Trend Rider: actionable: yum now: Over the door to his office Thomas Edison had written: "There are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something."  daily v...

The Trend Rider: yum

The Trend Rider: yum: I have come to respect “gaps” in my nearly twenty years of watching markets; when they happen (especially in stocks) they are usually ...

Sunday 4 November 2012

taking a look at S&P cash

we have lower highs and lower lows in place, the line of least resistance is downward

Saturday 3 November 2012

As you reflect on your trading this weekend consider folowing saying

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Thursday 1 November 2012


"Happiness is permanent. It is always there.
What comes and goes is unhappiness.
If you identify with what comes and goes, you will be unhappy.
If you identify with what is permanent and always there,
you are happiness itself."

 ~ Poonjaji

Monday 22 October 2012

Let Go of the Results: You really have no control over the results, you have control over the action.

Your goal is to trade and to trade well!  Money is a by-product of trading well.  A very interesting thing starts to happen when you focus on trading well.  Your profits will start to add up a lot faster than they did when making money was your primary goal.  This is simply because traders who focus on trading well cut their losses and let their winners run.  They protect their capital and leave unnecessary risks to others.  They recognise a choppy market and sit on their hands and don’t trade.

Traders who trade well let the market come to them.  They are extremely patient and disciplined.  They wait for the setup and an entry point.   If that setup and a trigger don’t come along they wait for the next one knowing that another chance is just around the corner.  Once in the trade, they mechanically and methodically manage their position, taking profits at specific points, and moving their stop loss to protect their investment.

Traders who trade well don’t trade simply for the excitement of the trade.  They don’t trade out of boredom or when they are sick or tired.  They don’t trade especially if they have stress in their life, believe me I paid a big price and I know this one very well personally.  
Successful traders have a plan and a set of guidelines they follow.

They focus on what they can control, and that is their action.