

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Want to be a champion ?

Waitzkin is a philosopher of excellence — a deep and articulate thinker with intimate knowledge of victory and defeat. The Art of Learning is a description of his competitive journey through the highest levels of chess and martial arts.
More than that, though, The Art of Learning is a powerful collection of ideas and insights on how to learn, compete and evolve… how to tap creativity under pressure… reach for more... and how to become a champion.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Friday, 22 June 2012


the trading game

 When I lose I'm really excited about all the alterations I can make and everything I can learn from the data of my game.  I'm ready to go.  I'm ready to really fix this and make it strong for next day based on what I see in the data---all the things I can do differently.  But when I win I get a kind of feeling of being invincible, there's nothing really left to correct, I only need to show up next day.  And I don't like that.  I get upset with that attitude, so I'm worried when I win about how to keep the intensity and how to keep myself focused. 


There are 24-hours in the day, what do you spend the most time doing?  If it's not doing something you love, it might be time for a change. Trading, playing music, riding my bike, and helping others are my favourite things I like doing.