A trend-focused trader reflecting on market strategies and personal performance enhancement.
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Thursday, 9 September 2021
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
Indices are entering rollover. Those two weeks are the worst two weeks of trading cycle while open interest rolls from September to December. New, fresh direction often comes after expiration.
In a seemingly invulnerable, one-sided market, the only chance bears have, is in finding a slight opening and exploiting it with full-blown aggression.
As it stands now, we know how early it truly is both in today's session and overall with where we are in the bull run to make any presumptions about a market top, let alone a standard correction even underway.
But we do know that bears actually scored some points this morning with their downside pressure on the IWM, ETF for the small cap Russell 2000 Index.
To be sure, without AAPL, FB, GOOGL, MSFT, TSLA and the rest of the gang at least dipping a bit, there really is no broad market correction of which to speak, only constant and grinding rotation like we saw during the summer.
Monday, 6 September 2021
Monday, 16 August 2021
"Be happy."
"We interrupt this program with a special bulletin: America is now under martial law. All constitutional rights have been suspended. Stay in your homes. Do not attempt to contact loved ones, insurance agents, or attorneys. Shut up. Do not attempt to think or depression may occur. Stay in your homes. Curfew is at 7PM sharp after work. Anyone caught outside the gates of their subdivision sectors after curfew will be shot. Remain calm, do not panic. Your neighborhood watch officer will be by to collect urine samples in the morning. Anyone caught interfering with the collection of urine examples will be shot. Stay in your homes, remain calm. The number one enemy of progress is question. National security is more important than individual will. All port broadcasts will proceed as normal. No more than two people may gather anywhere without permission. Use only the drugs prescribed by your boss or supervisor. Shut up, be happy. Obey all orders without question. The comfort you've demanded is now mandatory. Be happy. At last everything is done for you."