

Saturday, 5 December 2020

In summary, the market is overbought and getting more so almost every day.

Over the past three days, SP-500 finally managed to break out to new all-time closing and intraday highs. Thus, the SP-500 chart is bullish, as there is no classical resistance -- by definition -- when it is at all-time highs.

Thursday, 3 December 2020

The reason people don’t make big money in markets is because they chicken out too soon. The reason people blow up their accounts is because they don’t chicken out fast enough.

 "The secret to winning is learning how to lose.

That is, learning to bounce back from failure and disappointment—undeterred—and continuing to steadily march toward your potential.

Your response to failure determines your capacity for success."

Monday, 30 November 2020

"One very important skill great traders have is the ability to gauge when to step on the gas and get aggressive and when to ride the brake or even sit out completely. Most of the time you should not be trading very aggressively. Trading requires a lot of patience and stalking."

In a good trading environment stops will hold on balance while breakouts get away from you and you wish you had bought more. In a poor environment, prices will slice through stops, slippage is larger than normal and on balance you struggle to make progress or show loss.

Saturday, 28 November 2020

In summary, the broad market chart remains bullish and will continue to be bullish as long as SP-500 continues to close above 3500.

We are entering a seasonally bullish period for the market, between Thanksgiving and the new year. On average, the Russell 2000 Index rises 2.8% over that time period, with SP-500 not far behind. There are exceptions, of course 2018 being the largest exception.