

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Here are 10 great technical trading rules that will help you build a systematic approach to trading:

1.  Start with the weekly price chart to establish the long term trend, and then work down through the daily and hourly charts to trade in the direction of that trend. The odds are better if you are trading in the direction of the long term trend.
2.  In Bull Markets, the best strategy is to buy the dips. In Bear Markets, the best strategy is to sell short into each rally. Always go with the path of least resistance.
3.  Support and resistance levels can hold for long periods of time; the first few breakout attempts usually fail.
4.  The more times a support or resistance level is tested, the greater the odds that it will be broken. Old resistance can become the new support, and the old support may become the new resistance.
5.  Trend lines are the easiest way to measure trends by connecting higher highs or lower lows, and they must always go from left to right.
6.  Chart patterns are visible representations of the price ranges that buyers and sellers are creating. Chart Patterns are connected trend lines that signal a possible breakout buy point if one line is broken.
7.  Moving averages quantify trends and create signals for entries, exits, and trailing stops.
8.  Moving averages are great tools for a trader to use, but they are best used along with an overbought/oversold oscillator like the RSI. This maximizes exit profitability on extensions from a moving average.
9.  52 week highs are bullish, and 52 week lows are bearish. All-time highs are more bullish, and all-time lows are more bearish. Bull Markets have no long term resistance, and Bear Markets have no long term support.
10.  Above the 200 day is where bulls create uptrends. Bad things happen below the 200 day; down trends, distribution, bear markets, crashes, and bankruptcies.


This rule is the one that I get the most questions and feedback on by traders from all over the world. Traders ask, “What do you mean, love to lose money. Are you crazy?”
No, I’m not crazy. What I mean is to accept the fact that you are going to have losing trades. Get out of your losers quickly. Love to get out of your losers quickly. It will save you a lot of trading capital and will make you a much better trader. 

Thursday, 14 January 2016


DON’T SPECULATE. IF YOU DO YOU WILL LOSE. In all of the years that I have been a trader and associated with traders, I have never met a successful speculator. It is impossible to speculate and consistently print large winners. Don’t be a speculator. Be a trader.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


DON’T WORRY ABOUT NEWS. IT’S HISTORY. I have never understood why so many electronic traders listen to or watch CNBC,MSNBC, Bloomberg News or FNN all day long. The “talking heads” on these programs know very little about market dynamics and market price action. Very few, if any, have ever even traded. Yet they claim to be experts on everything. Before becoming a “trading and markets expert”. the guy on CNBC reporting hourly from the Bond Pit, was a phone clerk on the trading floor. Obviously this qualifies him to be an expert! He, and others, can provide no utility to you. Treat it for what it really is… entertainment. The fact is: The reporting that you hear on the business programs is “old news”. The story has already been dissected and consumed by the professional market participants long before the “news” has been disseminated. Do not trade off of the reporting. It’s too late.