

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Allow all your dreams of doing great work, being creative and making a difference in people's lives to happen today.

 It's fine to have big plans and dreams but wealth is created now. Right now. In this present moment. It was never created at any other time in history. It was always now.
Allow all your dreams of doing great work, being creative and making a difference in people's lives to happen today. Not in some far-off conditional future. Start where you are now.
Noted psychiatrist Stanislav Grof says in The Consciousness Revolution, "I have worked with people who had a major goal in life that required decades of intense and sustained effort to achieve. And when they finally succeeded, they became severely depressed, because they expected something that the achievement of the goal could not give them. Joseph Campbell called this situation, 'getting to the  top of the ladder and finding that it stands against the wrong wall.'"
Don't put off your fulfilment. Don't put your happiness at the top of some ladder you have to climb. Don't wait until you've "made it" to feel great about life. Wealth is attracted to people who feel great right now. People who know how to be and operate in this moment of ever changing NOW.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Until there is a strong breakout with good follow-through, there is no breakout.

Last week’s sell off was climactic and it will probably be followed by at least a couple of day’s up this week. If instead this week continues to sell off with big bear trend bars, the odds of a bear breakout will go up.

NOTE:  continue to position in agreement with the controlling price action, keeping risk in check, trading day by day, and be prepared for just about anything

NOTE: this Wednesday at 11am PST we have FOMC Meeting Announcement