

Monday, 13 October 2014

The future is unknown!

I don't have a clue which way the market is going, nor do I care. One of the best revelations a new trader can get is that you don't need to know which way the market is going to move in order to make money. When I say the market "should" continue to trend to this major support or resistance it is because I actually don't know for sure.

Trading is best done while knowing you are completely clueless. In that way, you can't be wrong, and pride and emotional attachment are not an issue. For those of you that have traded money for some time you know that false pride and emotional attachment is the killer of good trading. Can you see how admitting you don't know the future is liberating?

 It's better to just let price lead and to follow it with a proven trading system.

Saturday, 11 October 2014


like trading, requires a good dose of patience

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Chaos and Trading

Keep it simple.

“One of the greatest ways to avoid trouble is to keep it simple. When you make it vastly complicated—and only a few high priests in each department can pretend to understand it—what you’re going to find all too often is that those high priests don’t really understand it at all…. The system often goes out of control.”

got to respect lower highs and lower lows

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

US dollar has seen its longest winning streak in 17 years, ( and it's just beginning )

a bull flag
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