

Saturday, 10 August 2013

How Great Can You Be?

Some days trading will feel like a lion fight.
Remember that if you are going to fight every day, then you are going to get wounded from time to time and you will have scars. Don’t lick your wounds….. and realise 
that the scars you wear are a sign of a competitor. Just because you have a 
bad day fighting, does not mean you don’t know how to roar.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

The first secret of success.

"People become really quite remarkable when they start
thinking that they can do things. When they believe in
themselves they have the first secret of success."

- Norman Vincent Peale

" whatever you can conceive and believe you can achieve "

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Rare Earth ~ MCP

                               possible transition

Thursday, 25 July 2013

"You say you want a revolution. Well, you know we all want to change the world"

Beatles -1968

Q: What to focus on now ?

A: Your task :  " to build a better world "  God said. 

I answered,  " How?  The world is such a large place, so complicated now ; And I so small and useless am, there's nothing I can do. "  

But God in all His wisdom said,  " Just build a better YOU. "

How?  ~ You can build a better you and tap your amazing potential by setting realistic goals. It's never too late because it's never anything other than Now.
 ~ Miro ~