

Monday, 3 December 2012

There is no rule that say you must ( play ) be in the market.

"First, do not be invested in the market all the time. There are many times when I have been
completely in cash, especially when I was unsure of the direction of the market and waiting
for a confirmation of the next move." - Jesse Livermore

Friday, 30 November 2012

Why genius truly is more a function of perspiration than inspiration.

 Benjamin Bloom, Dean Keith Simonton, and K. Anders Ericsson have studied elite performers, and their research points to a few commonalities across fields. The elite performer is in his or her niche and so has a strong emotional  bond and commitment to self-development. The elite performers are also ambitious: they really care about becoming as good as they can be. Finally, they put large amounts of time into developing themselves. Their practise and work provides them with a sense of “flow”-it doesn’t feel like work to them.
the learning of the elite performer is qualitatively different from normal learning. The normal learner learns to do common things well. But the elite performer learns to do uncommon things. The immersion in learning generates an element of creativity. It’s why genius truly is more a function of perspiration than inspiration.

YUM-in these markets you have to be nimble and decisive- Stay Flexible.

pre market news: consumer shares and YUM shares are lower in today's pre-bell session. YUM reconfirmed its full year 2012 EPS growth forecast of at least 13%, or $3.24 per share, excluding special items. The analyst consensus is $3.28 per share, according to Capital IQ.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

The Trend Rider: yum

The Trend Rider: yum: I have come to respect “gaps” in my nearly twenty years of watching markets; when they happen (especially in stocks) they are usually...

YUM story
