

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Search For Meaning

Today I'm thinking about dying,
today I'm thinking about living,
and now, I'm smiling realising, 
without asking for anything 
we got everything,
one up rise, one down rise
and till the last breath,
Now Time to live in.

Friday, 4 May 2012

B.C.Northern Capital, today

               click to enlarge,  picture taken by Kyle from Travelling Man Productions
                   Prince George neighbourhood by historic trail and Fraser river.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

in spite of the blues, up 11.97% today

                                 observe volume      click on the chart to enlarge it

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

markets now

trend is up, 
but liquidity and confidence, in ether direction,  remains low


"If you think you can buy your way into heaven with money alone, you may regret that you did not convert it into good deeds instead."

Money is necessary in this life, but not the most crucial, and we should always keep in mind one's most precious possessions, People.
Fulfilment comes from serving others. Right livelihood is a communal activity in which a person shares his unique gifts with the world. Life is mostly about working through problems so one can serve others, and serving others is one of the most essential element as without it life is meaningless.