

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Traders can learn from Edison.

The average person would have quit at the first failure. That’s why there have been many average men and only one Edison.

"Thomas Edison once observed that the reason most folks don’t recognize opportunity when it comes knocking is that it is often dressed in coveralls and looks like work. Edison knew that anything worthwhile never comes easily; if it were easy, anyone could do it. Because he persisted far beyond the point the average person would consider reasonable and rational, he produced inventions that even the most learned people of the day considered impossible. Great advances in knowledge are often achieved by people with an almost fanatical devotion to finding the solution to a problem. Flashes of inspiration alone are not enough to ensure success; they must be followed by determined, persistent action." -Napoleon Hill

_highly recommended book_ "Think And Grow Rich"_ it could change your life

watch S&Ps cash 1400 area_it is an important psychological level

@_ Be aware of window dressing over the next three days as fund managers reconfigure their portfolios for the end of first quarter.

Monday, 26 March 2012

There are two kind of trades_

_there are winning trades and there are learning trades.

Maturing as a trader involves deep desire to be one, discipline, focus and the ability to make decisions. How do you get to this point? Make decisions and learn from them! I openly admit that I have made lots of mistakes in the market, and I still make mistakes. Thankfully, I’ve learned from them and now try my best to minimize those mistakes. The key is to make a decision without worrying that you might be wrong. As long as you learn from it, you can correct it the next time. Again, just make the decision, and make the money or learn from it. Wash, rinse and repeat.