

Monday, 19 March 2012

from the book "The Trading Tribe"

This is a paragraph I wrote about my experience with TTP  for " The Trading Tribe " book;

Through consistent practicing of TTP I came to the place in me where I accept and love myself more than ever before. I accept and respect others as they are and share more joy and love with my family and friends. I feel more trust in myself. I feel like I'm traveling lighter through my life journey. I can clearly see what I have, and can share with others. I know my purpose. I am staying more and more in the Now where everything is perfect.

for more information about Trading Tribe Process go to
or email me for more info on PGTribe

Looking at the week ahead

                                   ES_after Friday's close_click to enlarge

The up auction continues with anxiety running high at quarter end and S&Ps up almost 12% for the year.

Last week of March is the most bearish of the month_ so possible consolidation or even a nasty one day shake and bake action_ which would produce some new patterns for us to trade.

Remember, price predicts the future_not investors. 

Have a great week.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

wrestling with revenge

If there is one emotion that is completely void of the essential quality of good sense, tolerance, accurate thought and wisdom, it is that emotion we call revenge. It quickly derails one from his definite chief aim, causes a loss of focus, drains one's vital positive energy and ultimately self sabotages one's own journey towards achievement.

And so it with us in trading, when caught in destructive quest to satisfy our desire for revenge, it blinds our ability to think accurately, become productive and lose sight of our goal.

Friday, 16 March 2012

IRE_for your review

                             click on the chart to enlarge it


The information contained herein is for educational purposes only and is not, and should not be construed as an offer to hold, sell or an offer to buy any securities.

quadruple witching

                                        be prepared