

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

follow up on a Gold trade

@__ buyable gap up, and continuation of the up auction continues after a short pause

for your research


DOW HITS 13,000.00

note__for educational purposes only

Friday, 17 February 2012

the battle between your present and future self

worth watching

when trading intraday

I suggest using smaller initial stops and look for trades with Risk Rewards that are at 2:1 or higher. I personally do not take trades with initial stop losses larger than three S&P points and I never take a trade with a Risk Reward below 2:1 _ I am much more comfortable in the 3 or 4:1 area when intraday trading. I don't find these trades that difficult to find once you get used to looking for them and if I have to wait to find a trade that fits my acceptable profile, that doesn't bother me at all. I just want to be consistently profitable and it costs me nothing to wait for an acceptable trade. Patience and discipline are prerequisites for trading success.