

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

from a friend

It doesn't seem like it would be true. It doesn't seem like slowing down would get more done. But it does.
Every day I do it, I get more done. Every day I experiment with slowing down I understand the tortoise and the hare.
If I'm doing the right thing, I can do it as slowly as I want and my life will get better. If I'm doing the wrong thing (caused by a stressed, rush-rush contaminated decision-making process) it doesn't matter how fast I go I'm going to be even more STRESSED when I'm finished because it wasn't the wisest thing for me to be giving my time to. And I know it, and it stresses me out to know it.
If I am on the wrong road it doesn't matter how good I get at speeding down the road. It's the wrong road.
I need to remind myself of this: Slow down and win. Take your sweet, gentle time and have this one conversation ahead of me be relaxed and warm so that the relationship I have becomes relaxed and warm. Slow down. Even slower than that.
There you go.