

Sunday, 21 January 2024

 "To be human is to get upset, angry, scared, envious, greedy, fearful, to go on tilt and sometimes to lose your shit altogether.

To be superhuman, is to still do all to that, because you’re human, accept you did that, because your human, then give yourself a break, forgive yourself, take the lesson. Then let go, move on, reset and go again as if it hadn’t happened at all."

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Maximizing positive experiences is a brilliant goal! To make the most of this, try diversifying your activities, exploring new hobbies or interests, nurturing relationships, and seeking out opportunities that bring joy and fulfillment. Staying open to new experiences often leads to unexpected moments of happiness. Remember, it's about quality over quantity; finding depth in your experiences can often bring more fulfillment than chasing sheer volume.